Get ready to bid farewell to blemishes and embrace radiant, clear skin because Kiehl’s, the trailblazer in skincare innovation, is shaking up the industry once again with its latest breakthrough: The Blemish Collection. If you’ve been battling those pesky pimples and longing for a solution that actually works, your skincare prayers have been answered.

At the helm of this revolutionary collection are two powerhouse products that are set to transform your skincare routine. Meet the Truly Targeted Blemish-Clearing Solution and the Expertly Clear Blemish-Treating & Preventing Lotion – your new dynamic duo in the fight against acne.

Truly Targeted Blemish-Clearing Solution

Imagine a transparent, breathable patch that works like magic to calm your skin and zap away those pesky pimples. Enter the Truly Targeted Blemish-Clearing Solution, affectionately known as the “Invisible Liquid Patch.” This game-changer is not your average spot treatment. It’s a potent blend of 2% Medicated Salicylic Acid, 4% Niacinamide, and 0.2% Biobased Licorice Root that gets to work fast. Say goodbye to pimple redness and irritation in just 2 hours, shrink those blemishes within 24 hours, and watch post-acne marks fade away within four weeks. Plus, its makeup-friendly formula means you can seamlessly incorporate it into your daily routine without skipping a beat. With no parabens, fragrances, or colorants, it’s gentle enough for all skin types, even the most sensitive ones.

Expertly Clear Blemish-Treating & Preventing Lotion

But wait, there’s more! Complementing the Invisible Liquid Patch is the Expertly Clear Blemish-Treating & Preventing Lotion, your go-to all-face treatment for banishing acne for good. Packed with 1.2% salicylic acid and postbiotic lactobacillus ferment, this powerhouse formula not only clears existing breakouts but also prevents future flare-ups. And that’s not all – with 2% Niacinamide and Glycerin, it hydrates and fades post-acne marks, leaving your skin looking flawless and radiant. Just like its partner in crime, it’s suitable for all skin types and free from any nasties that could irritate your precious skin.

How to Achieve Your Best Skin Yet

For optimal results, here’s the winning formula: start with the Truly Targeted Blemish-Clearing Solution to target those trouble spots, then follow up with the Expertly Clear Blemish-Treating & Preventing Lotion to keep future breakouts at bay. Finish off with your favourite moisturiser and sunscreen, and you’re ready to take on the world with your newfound glow.

So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to blemishes and hello to clear, radiant skin, look no further than Kiehl’s Blemish Collection. It’s time to revolutionise your skincare routine and unleash your inner glow – because flawless skin is always in fashion.

The post Bidding Farewell to Blemishes: Kiehl’s Unveils the Game-Changing Blemish Collection appeared first on Beauty Insider.

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在马来西亚的炎热潮湿气候下,痘痘问题成为了许多人的头号烦恼!特别是学生党们,忙碌的学习生活和熬夜复习,往往容易让皮肤产生青春痘和其他肌肤的不完美。但别担心,解决痘痘问题从来没有像现在这样简单!痘痘贴成为了许多人的必备武器,轻松应对突如其来的痘痘危机。根据ACS研究,“痘痘贴就像绷带一样,可以防止你触摸它们并吸收痘痘中的液体,创造一个潮湿的环境,以加快和改善愈合。” 今天,我们就来盘点一下在马来西亚市场上备受欢迎的五款痘痘贴产品,它们能够轻松解救你的痘痘困扰,让你的肌肤重现光彩! 盘点马来西亚5款痘痘贴 1. Cosrx Zits Pimple Learn Patch Cosrx 痘痘贴可是能够让你快速解决青春痘烦恼的绝佳神器!它是一种透明的贴片,当你贴在受伤或长痘的区域上,就能够像一道保护墙一样防止情况进一步恶化,同时还能保持肌肤湿润,防止更多的痘痘冒出来。这款痘痘贴还荣获了《青少年时尚杂志》2017年最佳抗痘产品奖,堪称是治疗青春痘的速效神药!它独特的配方能够有效地吸取皮肤杂质,为愈合提供安全的环境,让你在短时间内见到效果。贴片还能起到屏障的作用,防止细菌感染,而且通过了皮肤科医生的测试哦! Why we enjoy it: 荣获最佳抗痘产品奖 防止细菌感染 三种大小 Cons: 只有24片痘痘贴 价格:RM18 可购于:Watsons 2. Oxy Anti Bacterial Pimples Day & Night